Publications about 'hemorrhage'

Conference articles

  1. T. J. Czernuszewicz, J. W. Homeister, M. C. Caughey, B. Y. Huang, E. R. Lee, C.A. Zamora, M. A. Farber, J. J. Fulton, P. F. Ford, W. A. Marston, R. Vallabhaneni, T. C. Nichols, and C. M. Gallippi. Carotid plaque characterization with ARFI imaging: Blinded reader study. In Proc. IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp., pages 1-4, September 2016. Keyword(s): acoustic imaging, biomedical ultrasonics, blood vessels, calcium, feature extraction, medical image processing, proteins, regression analysis, sensitivity analysis, ARFI Imaging, AUC, CEA, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging, area under the ROC curve, blinded reader study, carotid endarterectomy, carotid plaque characterization, carotid vasculature, collagen, fibrous cap thickness measurements, histologic examination, intraplaque hemorrhage, linear regression, necrotic core, noninvasive elastography imaging technique, parametric 2D ARFI images, peak displacement, plaque feature detection, plaque risk assessment, receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, surgery, thromboembolic events, vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque, Acoustics, Atherosclerosis, Calcium, Hemorrhaging, Imaging, In vivo, Thickness measurement, ARFI, acoustic radiation force, atherosclerosis, plaque characterization, stroke. [bibtex-entry]

  2. T. J. Czernuszewicz, J. W. Homeister, M. C. Caughey, M. A. Farber, J. J. Fulton, P. F. Ford, W. A. Marston, R. Vallabhaneni, T. C. Nichols, and C. M. Gallippi. In vivo carotid plaque stiffness measurements with ARFI ultrasound in endarterectomy patients. In Proc. IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp. (IUS), pages 1-4, October 2015. Keyword(s): biological tissues, biomechanics, biomedical ultrasonics, diseases, ultrasonic imaging, ARFI ultrasound, acoustic radiation force impulse ultrasound, atherosclerotic plaque, calcification, carotid endarterectomy, carotid plaque stiffness measurements, elasticity imaging technique, endarterectomy patients, fibrosis, fibrotic-calcified areas, fibrous cap, hemorrhage, lipid-necrotic areas, necrotic core, Atherosclerosis, Biomedical imaging, Computed tomography, Hemorrhaging, Thickness measurement, Ultrasonic imaging, ARFI, CEA, acoustic radiation force, atherosclerosis, plaque characterization, stroke. [bibtex-entry]

  3. T. J. Czernuszewicz, J. W. Homeister, M. C. Caughey, M. A. Farber, J. J. Fulton, P. F. Ford, W. A. Marston, R. Vallabhaneni, T. C. Nichols, and C. M. Gallippi. In vivo characterization of atherosclerotic plaque of human carotid arteries with histopathological correlation using ARFI ultrasound. In Proc. IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symp, pages 1794-1797, September 2014. Keyword(s): bioacoustics, biological tissues, biomedical ultrasonics, blood vessels, haemodynamics, phantoms, ultrasonic imaging, ARFI ultrasound, acoustic radiation force impulse imaging, atherosclerotic pigs, calcification, carotid atherosclerotic plaques, clinically-indicated carotid endarterectomy, dense fibrosis, histopathological correlation, human carotid arteries, inflammation, mechanical properties, mild intraplaque hemorrhage, necrotic cores, plaque rupture, spatially-matched histopathology, stiff tissue, ultrasound imaging plane, Acoustics, Atherosclerosis, Carotid arteries, Force, Imaging, In vivo, Ultrasonic imaging, ARFI, CEA, acoustic radiation force, atherosclerosis, carotid endarterectomy, plaque characterization, stroke. [bibtex-entry]



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:23:35 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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