Publications about 'PolInSAR'

Books and proceedings

  1. Othmar Frey. Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging in the Time Domain for Nonlinear Sensor Trajectories and SAR Tomography, PhD Thesis. Remote Sensing Series, vol. 59, Remote Sensing Laboratories, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, Focusing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Corridor Mapping, Curvilinear SAR, Nonlinear Flight Tracks, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Remote Sensing, Airborne SAR, Forestry, L-Band, P-Band, Interferometry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Polarimetry, PolInSAR, Polarimetric SAR Tomography, Array signal processing, Extended Chirp Scaling, ECS, Mosaicking, Geocoding, Integrated Focusing and Geocoding, Georeferencing, mapping, E-SAR, digital elevation model, Capon, Capon beamformer, beamforming, multibaseline, multiple signal classification, MUSIC, three-dimensional imaging, 3-D imaging, Vegetation. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Shane R. Cloude. Polarisation: Applications in Remote Sensing. Oxford Press, 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Polarisation, Interferometry, Polarimetric Interferometry, PolInSAR, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Scattering, Remote Sensing, Radar, Radar Remote Sensing. [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. G. H. X. Shiroma and M. Lavalle. Digital Terrain, Surface, and Canopy Height Models From InSAR Backscatter-Height Histograms. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(6):3754-3777, June 2020. Keyword(s): backscatter, forestry, optical radar, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation, vegetation mapping, digital terrain, canopy height models, InSAR backscatter-height histogram, interferometric synthetic aperture radar backscatter-height histograms, single-look backscatter measurements, InSAR phase height, InSAR histogram, LiDAR waveforms, ground topography, full-polarimetric L-band uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar data, forest height, Histograms, Laser radar, Forestry, Vegetation mapping, Backscatter, Synthetic aperture radar, Digital elevation models (DEMs), forest height, interferometry, L-band, polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (PolInSAR), polarimetry, SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Zahra Sadeghi, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej, and Jan-Peter Muller. Combination of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Single-Baseline Polarimetric Coherence Optimisation to Estimate Deformation Rates with Application to Tehran Basin. PFG -- Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 85(5):327-340, December 2017. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. R. Iglesias, A. Aguasca, X. Fabregas, J. J. Mallorqui, D. Monells, C. Lopez-Martinez, and L. Pipia. Ground-Based Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for the Monitoring of Terrain Displacement Phenomena - Part I: Theoretical Description. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(3):980-993, March 2015. Keyword(s): geomorphology, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, GB-InSAR techniques, GB-SAR sensors, PSI processing chains, PSI techniques, PolInSAR algorithms, PolSAR measurements, SLFMCW GB-SAR system, SLFMCW signals, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, acquisition time, classical single-polarimetric performances, coherent pixels technique, ground displacement episodes, ground displacement phenomena, ground-based SAR interferometry, ground-based polarimetric SAR interferometry, ground-based synthetic aperture radar, persistent scatterer interferomerty, polarimetric RiskSAR sensor, polarimetric SAR measurements, stepped linear frequency modulated continuous wave, terrain displacement phenomena monitoring, troposphere medium decorrelation, troposphere temporal homogeneity, vector network analyzers, Atmospheric measurements, Interferometry, Monitoring, Sensor phenomena and characterization, Synthetic aperture radar, Differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR), GB-SAR interferometry (GB-InSAR), frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, ground-based SAR (GB-SAR), persistent scatterer interferomerty (PSI), polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR), stepped linear FMCW (SLFMCW) radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. R. Iglesias, A. Aguasca, X. Fabregas, J. J. Mallorqui, D. Monells, C. López-Martìnez, and L. Pipia. Ground-Based Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for the Monitoring of Terrain Displacement Phenomena --Part II: Applications. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(3):994-1007, March 2015. Keyword(s): geomorphology, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Andorran Pyrenees, El Forn de Canillo, GB-InSAR techniques, GB-SAR sensors, Remote Sensing Laboratory, RiskSAR sensor, Spain, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, X-band, cost-effective solution, ground displacement phenomena, ground-based polarimetric SAR interferometry, ground-based synthetic aperture radar interferometry, in-field data, infrastructure safety, landslide monitoring, people safety, terrain displacement phenomena monitoring, urban landslides, urban subsidence, urban subsidence monitoring, zero-baseline configuration, Coherence, Interferometry, Monitoring, Sensitivity, Synthetic aperture radar, Terrain factors, Vectors, Differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR), displacement monitoring, frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar, ground-based SAR (GB-SAR), ground-based SAR interferometry (GBInSAR), persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI), polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR), steepest linear frequency modulated continuous wave (SLFMCW) radar. [bibtex-entry]

  5. Alberto Moreira, Pau Prats-Iraola, Marwan Younis, Gerhard Krieger, Irena Hajnsek, and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 1(1):6-43, March 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Tutorial, SAR Focusing, Azimuth Focusing, SAR Interferometry, SAR Polarimetry, polarimetric interferometry, PolInSAR, InSAR, SAR Tomography, geophysical techniques, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Earth remote sensing, bistatic configurations, differential interferometry, digital beamforming, holographic tomography, multiple-input multiple-output, multistatic configurations, polarimetric SAR interferometry, polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, Radar imaging, Remote sensing, Scattering, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Tutorial, Teaching Material, Teaching. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Stefano Tebaldini and Fabio Rocca. Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Tomography of a Boreal Forest at P- and L-Bands. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 50(1):232-246, January 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, ESA campaign BioSAR, Krycklan River catchment, L-band analysis, Northern Sweden, P-band analysis, PolInSAR approach, algebraic synthesis technique, boreal forest, direct volume backscattering process, ground-volume interaction process, multibaseline polarimetric SAR tomography, multipolarimetric data acquisition, polarimetric analysis, remote sensing, single-baseline data analysis, tomographic analysis, tomographic imaging method, vegetation layer analysis, backscatter, data acquisition, forestry, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, rivers, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, vegetation mapping;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Maxim Neumann, Laurent Ferro-Famil, and Andreas Reigber. Estimation of Forest Structure, Ground, and Canopy Layer Characteristics From Multibaseline Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 48(3):1086-1104, March 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Multibaseline SAR, Germany, PolInSAR, RVoG, vertical structure, Traunstein test site, airborne SAR, L-band, angular distribution, canopy layer heights, differential extinction, double-bounce ground-trunk interactions, forest layer heights, forest parameter retrieval, forest structure estimation, forest vegetation, ground topography, ground-to-volume ratio, ground-truth measurements, interferometric coherence, particle scattering anisotropy, polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry, polarimetric decomposition, polarimetric scattering media model, polarization orientation randomness, random-volume-over-ground PolInSAR parameter inversion, repeat-pass configuration, root-mean-square error, surface scattering, temporal decorrelation, tree morphology, volume coherency matrices, volumetric canopy, volumetric understory scattering, wave attenuation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetation mapping;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. S. Sauer, L. Ferro-Famil, A. Reigber, and E. Pottier. Polarimetric Dual-Baseline InSAR Building Height Estimation at L-Band. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 6(3):408-412, July 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Procerssing, PolInSAR, Polarimetry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, Dual-Baseline, Multi-baseline SAR, SAR Tomography, Tomography, ESAR, Airborne SAR, Building Height. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Stefano Tebaldini. Algebraic Synthesis of Forest Scenarios From Multibaseline PolInSAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 47(12):4132-4142, December 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, E-SAR, P-Band, algebra, geophysical techniques, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, vegetationBioSAR, E-SAR airborne system, Kronecker products sum, P-band data set, Remningstorp, SAR surveys, Sweden, algebraic synthesis, forest scenarios, forested areas, least square solution, multibaseline PolInSAR data, multipolarimetric multibaseline synthetic aperture radar, single-baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry, statistical uncorrelation, temporal coherence losses, volumetric coherence losses. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Maxim Neumann, Laurent Ferro-Famil, and Andreas Reigber. Multibaseline Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Coherence Optimization. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 5(1):93-97, January 2008. Keyword(s): coherence, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, synthetic aperture radar, coherence optimization, multibaseline polarimetric SAR interferometry, scattering mechanism, synthetic aperture radar sensor, Interferometry, L-band, Optimization methods, Phase estimation, Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar, Polarization, Radar scattering, Samarium, Signal resolution, Uncertainty, Coherence optimization, multibaseline (MB), polarimetric synthetic aperture radar interferometry (PolInSAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Shane R. Cloude. Polarization coherence tomography. Radio Sci., 41, August 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, radar tomography, polarimetric interferometry, radar polarimetry, Remote sensing, Inverse scattering, Random media and rough surfaces, Interferometry, InSAR, SAR Interferometry, PolInSAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. S.R. Cloude and Konstantinos P. Papathanassiou. Polarimetric SAR interferometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36(5):1551-1565, September 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PolInSAR, geophysical techniques, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radar theory, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radarInSAR, coherence optimization problem, elevated forest canopy, general formulation, geophysical measurement technique, interferogram, interferometric SAR, interferometric coherence, land surface, linear combinations, maximization, polarimetric SAR interferometry, polarimetric basis transformation, radar remote sensing, scalar interferometry, stochastic scattering model, strong polarization dependency, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping, vector wave interferometry, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. A. Moreira, O. Ponce, M. Nannini, M. Pardini, P. Prats, A. Reigber, K. Papathanassiou, and G. Krieger. Multi-baseline spaceborne SAR imaging. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (IGARSS), pages 1420-1423, July 2016. Keyword(s): geophysical image processing, holography, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, HoloSAR, PolInSAR, TomoSAR, across-track interferometry, along- track interferometry, glacier movement, ground deformation, holography SAR, multi-baseline imaging capability, multi-dimensional data space, multibaseline spaceborne SAR imaging, multistatic SAR configuration, ocean current, polarimetric SAR interferometry, spaceborne SAR development, spaceborne SAR image product, sparse array, surface topography measurement, tomography SAR, Interferometry, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, Spaceborne radar, Synthetic aperture radar, Tomography, Multi-Baseline Imaging, Polarimetric SAR Interferometry, Polarimetry, SAR Holography, SAR Tomography, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). [bibtex-entry]

  2. W. M. Boerner, G. Krieger, A. Reigber, I. Hajnsek, C. C. Schmullius, A. Moreira, M. Eineder, R. Bamler, F. J. Meyer, S. Hensley, J. J. van Zyl, M. Neumann, M. Shimada, M. Ohki, J. T. S. Sumantyo, K. Hattori, F. J. Ocampo-Torres, O. Ponce, J. Moreira, J. Campos, L. Yi-Long, P. Dubois-Fernandez, E. Pottier, T. LeToan, C. Surussavadee, V. C. Koo, T. S. Lim, R. H. Triharjanto, W. Hasbi, S. Mohan, and G. Singh. Development of new multi-band equatorially orbiting POLinSAR satellite sensors system configurations for varying latitudinal coverage within total tropical belt: Invited group presentation for establishing an associated Consortium. In Proc. IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conf. Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), pages 342-345, September 2015. Keyword(s): meteorological radar, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, energy resources, global weather phenomena, latitudinal coverage, local environmental deterioration, mineral extraction, multiband equatorially orbiting POLINSAR satellite sensors, polarimetric POLINSAR satellite, stable food base, total tropical belt, Belts, Hazards, Orbits, Remote sensing, Satellites, Sensors, Synthetic aperture radar, Disaster assessment and reduction, Environmental remote sensing, Equatorial orbiting satellite sensors, Geophysical monitoring, Natural and manmade hazard detection, Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Polarization radar, Surveillance, Tropical Equatorial Belt (TEB). [bibtex-entry]

  3. L. Pipia, X. Fabregas, A. Aguasca, C. López-Martìnez, and J. J. Mallorquì. Polarimetric coherence optimization for interferometric differential applications. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp, volume 5, pages 146-149, July 2009. Keyword(s): GB-SAR, ground-based SAR, terrestrial SAR, data acquisition, optimisation, radar interferometry, radar polarimetry, DInSAR, X-band ground-based PolSAR acquisitions, deformation phase information, differential interferometric SAR, interferometric differential applications, optimized differential phase, polarimetric coherence optimization, polarimetric coherence-optimization techniques, synthetic PolSAR data, urban environment, zero-baseline fully-polarimetric data sets, Amplitude estimation, Analytical models, Convergence, Deformable models, Information retrieval, Interferometry, Optimization methods, Remote sensing, Scattering, Synthetic aperture radar, PolInSAR. [bibtex-entry]

  4. Stefano Tebaldini and Fabio Rocca. Polarimetric Options for SAR Tomography of Forested Areas. In Proc. of PolInSAR - 4th Int. Workshop on Science and Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry, Frascati, Italy, January 2009. ESA SP-668. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, E-SAR, P-Band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Andreas Reigber, Maxim Neumann, Stephane Guillaso, Stefan Sauer, and Laurent Ferro-Famil. Evaluating PolInSAR parameter estimation using tomographic imaging results. In Proc. European Radar Conf., pages 189-192, 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Tomography, Tomography, forestry, matrix algebra, radar imaging, radar polarimetry, radiowave interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, tomography, vegetation mapping, PolInSAR parameter estimation, canopy, forest height, ground topography estimation, polarimetric SAR interferometry, tomographic imaging results. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]


  1. PolInSAR 2009 Sorted Recommendations, January 2009. [bibtex-entry]

  2. A. Colettaa, D. De Lisle, A. Moreira, A. Freeman, M. Shimada, T. Ainsworth, Konstatinos Papathanassiou, S. R. Cloude, P. Dubois-Fernandez, P. Lombardo, G. Trianni, K. Raney, A. Minchella, F. Charbonneau, L. Ferro-Famil, D. Floricioiu, S. Lehner, Irena Hajnsek, Ridha Touzi, Wolfgang Martin Boerner, Eric Pottier, and Fabio Rocca. Summaries and Recommendations of the POLInSAR 2009 Workshop, January 2009. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Andreas Reigber. Multimodale Verarbeitung hochauflösender SAR Daten, February 2008. Note: Habilitationsschrift an der Fakultät IV -Elektrotechnik un Informatik - der Technischen Universität Berlin. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, airborne SAR, omega-k, Range Migration Algorithm, Wave Number Domain Algorithm, Extended Chirp Scaling, ECS, SAR Interferometry, Interferometry, InSAR, Residual Motion Errors, Residual Errors, Motion Compensation, MoComp, PolInSAR, Polarimetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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This collection of SAR literature is far from being complete.
It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:24:29 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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