Publications about 'GAMMA'

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Roberto Coscione, Irena Hajnsek, Charles Werner, and Othmar Frey. Assessing the impact of positioning errors in car-borne repeat-pass SAR interferometry with a controlled rail-based experiment. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15:8402-8415, 2022. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, SAR Interferometry, Car-borne SAR, positioning errors, rail-based SAR, experiment, terrestrial radar interferometry, TRI, Gamma L-band SAR, ground-based SAR, GB-SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Dyre Oliver Dammann, Mark A. Johnson, Emily R. Fedders, Andrew R. Mahoney, Charles L. Werner, Christopher M. Polashenski, Franz J. Meyer, and Jennifer K. Hutchings. Ground-Based Radar Interferometry of Sea Ice. Remote Sensing, 13(1), 2021. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Geostatistical Analysis and Mitigation of the Atmospheric Phase Screens in Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar Interferometric Observations of an Alpine Glacier. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(11):7533-7556, November 2020. Keyword(s): Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, Pol-GPRI, Atmospheric modeling, Spaceborne radar, Atmospheric measurements, Radar interferometry, Delays, Phase measurement, Atmospheric modeling, atmospheric phase screen (APS), differential radar interferometry, terrestrial radar interferometry, TRI. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Polarimetric Analysis of Natural Terrain Observed With a Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(12):5268-5288, December 2019. Keyword(s): Terrestrical Radar, Polarimetry, Radar Polarimetry, ku-band, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI-II, Polarimetric Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, PolGPRI, Entropy, ground based radar, polarimetric radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, and Irena Hajnsek. Polarimetric Calibration of the Ku-Band Advanced Polarimetric Radar Interferometer. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 56(4):2295-2311, 2018. Keyword(s): real-aperture radar, radar, terrestrial radar, Apertures, Calibration, interferometry, radar interferometry, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Radar polarimetry, ground-based radar, polarimetric calibration, polarimetric, GB-RADAR, polarimetric-interferometric radar, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. C. Lin, B. Rommen, N. Floury, D. Schüttemeyer, M. W. J. Davidson, M. Kern, A. Kontu, J. Lemmetyinen, J. Pulliainen, A. Wiesmann, C. L. Werner, C. Mätzler, M. Schneebeli, M. Proksch, and T. Nagler. Active Microwave Scattering Signature of Snowpack---Continuous Multiyear SnowScat Observation Experiments. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(8):3849-3869, August 2016. Keyword(s): remote sensing by radar, snow, snowpack active microwave scattering signature, multiyear SnowScat observation experiment, European Space Agency SnowScat instrument, aperture scatterometer, gamma remote sensing AG, AD 2009 02, Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland, alpine snowpack, snowpack physical characterization, Sodankyla, Finland, AD 2009 11, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Lapland, passive microwave observation, winter season, time-domain snow profiling experiment, snow microstructure, snow metamorphism, snow depth, snow-water-equivalent, frequency 9.15 GHz to 17.9 GHz, Snow, Instruments, Microstructure, Spaceborne radar, Backscatter, Microwave radiometry, Microwave backscatter, radar remote sensing, scatterometer, snow microstructure, snowpack, snow-water-equivalent (SWE), time-domain profiling. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Urs Wegmuller, Charles L. Werner, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, Othmar Frey, and Maurizio Santoro. Sentinel-1 Support in the GAMMA Software. Procedia Computer Science, 100:1305-1312, 2016. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Sentinel-1, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, InSAR, persistent scatterer interferometry, PSI, offset tracking, split-beam interferometry, GAMMA Software. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Rafael Caduff, Fritz Schlunegger, Andrew Kos, and Andreas Wiesmann. A review of terrestrial radar interferometry for measuring surface change in the geosciences. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(2):208-228, 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, Review, GBSAR, InSAR, Ground-based radar, Ground-based SAR, deformation measurement, displacement, subsidence, terrestrial radar interferometry, mass movements, surface deformation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Rafael Caduff, Andrew Kos, Fritz Schlunegger, Brian W. McArdell, and Andreas Wiesmann. Terrestrial Radar Interferometric Measurement of Hillslope Deformation and Atmospheric Disturbances in the Illgraben Debris-Flow Catchment, Switzerland. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(2):434-438, February 2014. Keyword(s): Atmospheric phase delay, rockslide monitoring, terrestrial radar interferometry, Radar interferometry, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, Ku-band, Deformation, Displacement, Illgraben, Debris-flow catchment. [bibtex-entry]

  10. Rafael Caduff and Dirk Rieke-Zapp. Registration And Visualisation Of Deformation Maps From Terrestrial Radar Interferometry Using Photogrammetry And Structure From Motion. The Photogrammetric Record, 29(146):167-186, 2014. Keyword(s): compact digital camera, digital photogrammetry, geo-monitoring, interferometric radar, metric camera, structure from motion, SAR Processing, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, radar interferometry, ground-based radar, GBSAR, InSAR, Ground-based SAR, deformation measurement, displacement, subsidence, terrestrial radar interferometry, mass movements, surface deformation, Structure from motion, SfM, Photogrammetry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. Yajing Yan, M.P. Doin, P. Lopez-Quiroz, F. Tupin, B. Fruneau, V. Pinel, and E. Trouve. Mexico City Subsidence Measured by InSAR Time Series: Joint Analysis Using PS and SBAS Approaches. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(4):1312-1326, August 2012. Keyword(s): AD 2002 11 to 2007 03, ENVISAT images, Gamma-IPTA chain, InSAR time series, Mexico City subsidence rate, adhoc SBAS approach, ground displacement rates, high-pass filtered difference maps, joint analysis method, low-pass filtered difference maps, multitemporal InSAR processing, permanent scatterer approach, small baseline subset approach, subsidence measurement method, subsidence pattern, subsoil compaction analysis, surface drying process, compaction, feature extraction, geophysical image processing, geophysical techniques, high-pass filters, low-pass filters, radar interferometry, soil, synthetic aperture radar, time series;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. David Small. Flattening Gamma: Radiometric Terrain Correction for SAR Imagery. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 49(8):3081-3093, August 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, ASAR, ERS-1, Earth ellipsoid model, Earth terrain-model, PALSAR, RADARSAT-1, SAR sensors, TerraSAR-X, beta nought SAR radiometry, elevation models, gamma nought SAR radiometry, image geolocation accuracy, radar cross section, radar imaging, radar measurements, radar scattering, radar terrain factors, radiometric calibration, radiometric normalisation standard, sigma nought SAR radiometry, terrain variations, radar cross-sections, radar imaging, radiometry, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Tazio Strozzi and Christian Matzler. Backscattering measurements of alpine snowcovers at 5.3 and 35 GHz. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36(3):838-848, May 1998. Keyword(s): backscatter, hydrological techniques, radar cross-sections, radar polarimetry, remote sensing by radar, snow, 35 GHz, 5.3 GHz, AD 1993, AD 1994, AD 1995, AD 1996, Austria, Austrian Alp, C-band, EHF, Ka-band, SHF, Switzerland, hydrology, measurement technique, network-analyzer based scatterometer, radar backscatter, radar polarimetry, radar remote sensing, radar scattering, refrozen crust thickness, snow cover, snowcover, volumetric liquid water content, Backscatter, Frequency, Instruments, Millimeter wave measurements, Performance evaluation, Physics, Polarization, Radar measurements, Snow, Testing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, and Christian Matzler. Active microwave signatures of snow covers at 5.3 and 35 GHz. Radio Science, 32(2):479-495, 1997. Keyword(s): microwave signatures, Snow, Remote Sensing of Snow, C-band, Ka-band, Electromagnetics. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. Frits Zernike. The concept of degree of coherence and its application to optical problems. Physica, 5(8):785 - 795, 1938. Keyword(s): van Cittert-Zernike. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Othmar Frey, Charles Werner, and Rafael Caduff. Dual-frequency car-borne DInSAR at L-band and Ku-band for mobile mapping of surface displacements. In Proc. of EUSAR 2022 - 14th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 489-492, July 2022. VDE Verlag GmbH. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, mobile mapping, surface displacements, mobile mapping of surface displacements, landslide, geohazard mapping, car-borne SAR, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, repeat-pass Interferometry, differential interferometry, DInSAR, Gamma L-band SAR, L-band, Ku-band, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, INS, GNSS, Honeywell, Honeywell HGuide n580, deformation, displacement, monitoring, UAV, Time-Domain Back-projection, TDBP, GPU, NVIDIA, CUDA. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Othmar Frey and Charles L. Werner. UAV-borne repeat-pass SAR interferometry and SAR tomography with a compact L-band SAR system. In Proc. Europ. Conf. Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, pages 181-184, March 2021. VDE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, UAV, SAR Tomography, Time-Domain Back-projection, TDBP, GPU, mobile mapping, surface displacements, mobile mapping of surface displacements, landslide, geohazard mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Geostatistical Analysis and Mitigation of Atmosphere Induced Phase in Terrestrial Radar Interferometric Observations of an Alpine Glacier. In Proc. of EUSAR 2018 - 12th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 626-631, 2018. Keyword(s): Radar Interferometry, Terrestrial Radar Interferometry, TRI, Ground-based radar, Interferometry, glacier velocity, atmospheric phase, mitigation of atmospheric phase, APS, Bisgletscher, Radar time series, GPRI, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Simone Baffelli, Othmar Frey, and Irena Hajnsek. Geostatistical Analysis and Mitigation of Atmospheric Phase Screens in Ku-Band Terrestrial Radar Interferometry. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 6504-6507, 2018. Keyword(s): Radar Interferometry, Terrestrial Radar Interferometry, TRI, Ground-based radar, Interferometry, glacier velocity, atmospheric phase, mitigation of atmospheric phase, APS, Bisgletscher, Radar time series, GPRI, Gamma Portable Radar Interferometer. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Roberto Coscione, Irena Hajnsek, and Othmar Frey. An experimental car-borne SAR System: measurement setup and positioning error analysis. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 6364-6367, 2018. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, dechirp-on-receive, FMCW, Frequency-modulated continous wave, Ground-based SAR, car-borne SAR, CARSAR, InSAR, DInSAR, geophysical techniques, ground-based SAR system, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI), GPRI, GPRI-II, interferometric technique, Coherence, Correlation, Interferometry, agile platform, airborne SAR, Inertial Naviation System (INS), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), INS/GNSS, iMAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Irena Hajnsek, and Roberto Coscione. A car-borne SAR system for interferometric measurements: development status and system enhancements. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 6508-6511, 2018. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, dechirp-on-receive, FMCW, Frequency-modulated continous wave, Ground-based SAR, car-borne SAR, CARSAR, InSAR, DInSAR, geophysical techniques, ground-based SAR system, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI), GPRI, GPRI-II, interferometric technique, Coherence, Correlation, Interferometry, agile platform, airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Urs Wegmuller, Charles L. Werner, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, and Othmar Frey. Sentinel-1 support in the GAMMA Software. In Proc. FRINGE 2015, ESA SP-731, pages 1-6, March 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Sentinel-1, Spaceborne SAR, C-band, European Space Agency, ESA, Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans, TOPS, TOPSAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. Urs Wegmuller, Charles L. Werner, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, Othmar Frey, and Maurizio Santoro. Sentinel-1 IWS mode support in the GAMMA software. In IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), pages 431-436, September 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, TOPS, TOPS mode, Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans, Sentinel-1, Interferometry, SAR Interferometry, Spaceborne SAR, geophysics computing, image registration, meta data, radar computing, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Fhe steep azimuth spectra ramp, GAMMA software, IWS data, InSAR processing, PSI, Sentinel-1 IWS mode support, Sentinel-1 SAR, TOPS, high-level software package, interferometrie wide-swath data, meta data, synthetic aperture radar, Apertures, Conferences, Decision support systems, DINSAR, GAMMA Software, Nepal earthquake, PSI, Sentinel-1 TOPS IWS, ionospheric effects, offset-tracking, spectral diversity, split-beam interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Othmar Frey, Charles L. Werner, Urs Wegmuller, Andreas Wiesmann, Daniel Henke, and Christophe Magnard. A car-borne SAR and InSAR experiment. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 93-96, 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, dechirp-on-receive, FMCW, Frequency-modulated continous wave, Ground-based SAR, car-borne SAR, CARSAR, InSAR, DInSAR, geophysical techniques, ground-based SAR system, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI), GPRI, GPRI-II, PanGEO, interferometric technique, Coherence, Correlation, Interferometry, agile platform. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Charles L. Werner, Andreas Wiesmann, Tazio Strozzi, Andrew Kos, Rafael Caduff, and Urs Wegmuller. The GPRI multi-mode differential interferometric radar for ground-based observations. In Proc. EUSAR 2012, pages 304-307, April 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, Radar, Radar interferometry, Surface deformation;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. David Small, Nuno Miranda, Lukas Zuberbühler, Adrian Schubert, and Erich Meier. Terrain-corrected Gamma: Improved thematic land-cover retrieval for SAR with robust radiometric terrain correction. In Proc. ESA Living Planet Symp., ESA SP-686, Bergen, Norway, July 2010. [bibtex-entry]

  12. David Small, Nuno Miranda, and Erich Meier. A revised radiometric normalisation standard for SAR. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 4, pages 566-569, July 2009. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, ASAR, ERS-1, Earth ellipsoid model, Earth terrain-model, PALSAR, RADARSAT-1, SAR sensors, TerraSAR-X, beta nought SAR radiometry, elevation models, gamma nought SAR radiometry, image geolocation accuracy, radar cross section, radar imaging, radar measurements, radar scattering, radar terrain factors, radiometric calibration, radiometric normalisation standard, sigma nought SAR radiometry, terrain variations, radar cross-sections, radar imaging, radiometry, synthetic aperture radar, terrain mapping. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Charles L. Werner, Tazio Strozzi, Andreas Wiesmann, and Urs Wegmuller. A Real-Aperture Radar for Ground-Based Differential Interferometry. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., volume 3, pages 210-213, July 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Antenna measurements, Instruments, Interferometry, Monitoring, Radar antennas, Radar imaging, Receiving antennas, Satellites, Spaceborne radar, Terrain factors, antennas, geomorphology, geophysical equipment, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, rocks, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer, GPRI, frequency 17.2 GHz, ground-based differential interferometry, height measurements, image acquisition, in-situ radar imaging system, landslides, line-of-sight displacements, phase differences, photogrammetry systems, real-aperture radar, receiving antennas, rock fall warning system, slope stability, space-borne INSAR, space-borne SAR interferometry, surface topography, GAMMA, RAR, Radar Interferometer, glacier, landslide;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. David Small, Erich Meier, and Daniel Nüesch. Robust radiometric terrain correction for SAR image comparisons. In IGARSS '04, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 3, pages 1730-1733, 2004. Keyword(s): backscatter, radiometry, remote sensing by radar, terrain mapping, AGP, ENVISAT ASAR images, Earth ellipsoid, Earth rolling terrain, SAR imagery, Switzerland, composite radar map, ideal flat terrain, local antenna gain pattern, mountainous terrain, normalized images, radar backscatter coefficient, radar brightness coefficient, radar equation, radiometric errors, radiometrically calibrated images, robust radar image simulation, robust radiometric terrain correction, robust technique, terrain geocoded images, terrain induced modulations, terrain variations. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Internal reports

  1. Betlem Rosich and Peter Meadows. Absolute Calibration of ASAR Level 1 Products Generated with PF-ASAR. Technical report Iss. 1 rev. 5, ESA, Oct. 2004. Keyword(s): ASAR, ENVISAT, Calibration, Validation, Product Calibration, Quality Measures, Quality Assessment, Level 1 Products, SAR. [Abstract] [Comments] [bibtex-entry]



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It is rather a collection of papers which I store in my literature data base. Hence, the list of publications under PUBLICATIONS OF AUTHOR'S NAME should NOT be mistaken for a complete bibliography of that author.

Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:23:27 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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