Publications about 'Wideband'


  1. Richard T. Lord. Aspects of Stepped-Frequency Processing for Low-Frequency SAR Systems. PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, South Africa, 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Stepped-Frequency Processing, RFI Suppression, Low-Frequency SAR, Wideband SAR. [Abstract] [Comments] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Jerald L. Bauck. Tomographic Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Signals for Enhanced Resolution. PhD thesis, 1989. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Bistatic SAR, Back-Projection, bistatic synthetic aperture radar, Azimuth Focusing, convolution back-projection, elliptical-arc projections, final reconstructed image, ground patch, image resource, pixel, weighting, radar cross-sections, radar theory, Spotlight mode, Airborne SAR, Tomographic Processing, Tomography, Wavefront Curvature. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Articles in journal or book chapters

  1. Reza Naderpour, Mike Schwank, Derek Houtz, Charles Werner, and Christian Mätzler. Wideband Backscattering From Alpine Snow Cover: A Full-Season Study. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60(4302215):1-15, 2022. Keyword(s): Radar, remote sensing, snow, WBSCAT, wide-band scatterometer, ESA SnowLab. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  2. Oriane Gassot, Alain Herique, Wenzhe Fa, Jun Du, and Wlodek Kofman. Ultra-Wideband SAR Tomography on Asteroids. Radio Science, 56(8):e2020RS007186, 2021. Note: E2020RS007186 2020RS007186. Keyword(s): asteroids, Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR tomography, simulation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  3. S. A. V. Synnes, A. J. Hunter, Roy E. Hansen, T. O. Saebo, H. J. Callow, R. van Vossen, and A. Austeng. Wideband Synthetic Aperture Sonar Backprojection With Maximization of Wave Number Domain Support. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 42(4):880-891, October 2017. Keyword(s): Synthetic Aperture Sonar, SAS, image filtering, image resolution, optimisation, sensor arrays, sonar imaging, synthetic aperture sonar, time-domain analysis, BP, SAS arrays, SAS image formation algorithms, TDBP access data, WD filtering, aspect-dependent scattering, data degradation, frequency-dependent scattering, generic SAS design, sensor data quality, spatial domain quality metrics, time domain backprojection access data, wave number domain counterpart, wave number domain support maximization, wideband SAS systems, wideband synthetic aperture sonar backprojection, widebeam synthetic aperture sonar backprojection, Image resolution, Imaging, Performance evaluation, Scattering, Sonar applications, Synthetic aperture sonar, Wideband, Along-track ambiguity, backprojection (BP) algorithm, grating lobes, synthetic aperture sonar (SAS), wideband sonar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Timothy M. Marston and Daniel S. Plotnick. Semiparametric Statistical Stripmap Synthetic Aperture Autofocusing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(4):2086-2095, April 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Autofocus, Motion Compensation, MoComp, geophysical image processing, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, synthetic aperture sonar, SAR literature, artificially injected crabbing error, artificially injected sway error, corrupting phase function, cost function gradient, metric-maximizing solutions, semiparametric statistical stripmap synthetic aperture autofocusing, spotlight-mode SAR applications, stripmap error model, stripmap gradient expression, stripmap imagery, synthetic aperture sonar literature, to statistical quality metric, unmanned-underwater-vehicle-mounted sonar system, widebeam wideband rail-based system, Apertures, Arrays, Computational modeling, Focusing, Measurement, Synthetic aperture sonar, Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) radar autofocus stripmap. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. Jan Torgrimsson, Patrik Dammert, Hans Hellsten, and Lars M. H. Ulander. Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 52(10):6674-6687, October 2014. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Fast-Factorized Back-Projection, FFBP, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Airborne SAR, CARABAS Autofocus, SAR Autofocus, Geometrical Autofocus, radar imaging, radar tracking, synthetic aperture radar, ultra wideband radar, FGA algorithm, coherent all radio band system II data set, constrained problem, factorized geometrical autofocus algorithm, fast factorized back-projection chain, gain 3 dB, intensity correlation, object function, peak-to-sidelobe ratio measurement, radar imaging, residual space variant range cell migration, ultrawideband synthetic aperture radar processing, Apertures, Electronics packaging, Geometry, Radar tracking, Synthetic aperture radar, Transforms, Autofocus, back-projection, phase gradient algorithm (PGA), synthetic aperture radar (SAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. F. Bovenga, V.M. Giacovazzo, A. Refice, and N. Veneziani. Multichromatic Analysis of InSAR Data. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 51(9):4790-4799, September 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, airborne radar, geophysical image processing, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, AES-1 airborne sensor, InSAR data multichromatic analysis, MCA absolute phase measurement, MCA experimental validation, MCA processing parameters, absolute optical path difference inference, central carrier frequency, height estimation performance, height information retrieval, interferometric SAR image pairs, parametric analysis, pixel phase trend, spatial phase unwrapping, wideband SAR single pass interferometric data set, Accuracy, Bandwidth, Distance measurement, Estimation, Noise, Synthetic aperture radar, Thyristors, synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. ENVELOP Antenna: A Class of Very Low Profile UWB Directive Antennas for Radar and Communication Diversity Applications. IEEE_J_AP, 61(3):1055-1062, March 2013. Keyword(s): airborne radar, dipole antennas, directive antennas, diversity reception, horn antennas, magnetic moments, radar antennas, ultra wideband antennas, ultra wideband communication, ENVELOP antenna, airborne radars, antenna radiation characteristics, communication diversity application, crossed electric dipole, impedance matching performance, inductive loop antenna, magnetic dipoles, polarization diversity, radar application, sheet loop, short TEM horn, very low profile UWB directive antenna, Antenna radiation patterns, Bandwidth, Directive antennas, Horn antennas, Radar antennas, Ultra wideband antennas, Monopole antenna, UWB antenna, radar antenna. [bibtex-entry]

  8. T. O. Saebo, S. A. V. Synnes, and Roy E. Hansen. Wideband Interferometry in Synthetic Aperture Sonar. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51(8):4450-4459, August 2013. Keyword(s): Synthetic Aperture Sonar, SAS, autonomous aerial vehicles, geophysical image processing, image resolution, oceanographic equipment, oceanographic techniques, radar imaging, radar interferometry, remote sensing by radar, synthetic aperture radar, Goldstein branch cut phase unwrapping algorithm, HISAS wideband interferometric SAS, HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle, SAS interferometry, absolute phase difference, advanced phase unwrapping techniques, complex cross correlation technique, direct phase difference estimation, final phase estimate, high resolution images, interferometric data processing, misregistrated areas, multiband split spectrum technique, multichromatic approach, narrowband interferometry processing, phase ambiguities, seafloor, synthetic aperture sonar interferometry, topographic maps, wideband interferometry techniques, Delay effects, Interferometry, Maximum likelihood estimation, Synthetic aperture sonar, Wideband, Complex cross correlation, multichromatic analysis, split spectrum algorithm, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), synthetic aperture sonar (SAS), wideband interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjogren, and Mats I. Pettersson. Fast Time-Domain Algorithms for UWB Bistatic SAR Processing. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 49(3):1982-1994, July 2013. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Fast-Factorized Back-Projection, FFBP, Bistatic SAR, Bistatic Fast-Factorized Back-Projection, BiFFBP, radar cross-sections, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, time-domain analysis, ultra wideband radar, BiFFBP, CARABAS-II, UWB bistatic SAR, bistatic fast factorized backprojection, radar echo, radar signal processing, subaperture, subimage basis, synthetic aperture radar, time-domain algorithm, ultra wideband radar, ultra widebeam radar, Radar imaging, Receivers, Signal processing algorithms, Synthetic aperture radar, Time-domain analysis, Transmitters. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Compact Directive Ultra-Wideband Rectangular Waveguide Based Antenna for Radar and Communication Applications. IEEE_J_AP, 60(5):2203-2209, May 2012. Keyword(s): UHF antennas, antenna feeds, baluns, microwave antennas, planar antennas, radar antennas, ultra wideband antennas, ultra wideband communication, ultra wideband radar, waveguide antennas, VSWR, aperture field distribution, balun structure, communication applications, compact directive ultra-wideband rectangular waveguide based antenna, cross-polarization performance, directive ultra-wideband antenna, fabrication tolerances, frequency 1.08 GHz to 4.9 GHz, integrated balun design, planar antenna aperture, polarizer, radar applications, rectangular waveguide antenna feeding structure, rectangular waveguide aperture antennas, standard balun, waveguide mode, Apertures, Directive antennas, Feeds, Impedance matching, Radar antennas, Ultra wideband antennas, Aperture antennas, UWB antennas, directive antennas. [bibtex-entry]

  11. Thomas K. Sjogren, Viet Thuy Vu, Mats I. Pettersson, A. Gustavsson, and Lars M. H. Ulander. Moving Target Relative Speed Estimation and Refocusing in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 48(3):2426-2436, July 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Moving Target indication, MTI, compensation, frequency-domain analysis, motion compensation, motion estimation, object detection, radar clutter, radar detection, radar imaging, radar tracking, synthetic aperture radar, ultra wideband radar, SAR imaging, UWB, cell migration, chirp estimator, clutter, frequency domain analysis, moving target refocusing, moving target relative speed estimation, moving target signal, phase compensation, synthetic aperture radar, target acceleration, ultra wideband, Approximation methods, Azimuth, Clutter, Estimation, Focusing, Image resolution, Synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjogren, and Mats I. Pettersson. On Synthetic Aperture Radar Azimuth and Range Resolution Equations. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., 48(2):1764-1769, April 2012. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, image resolution, integration, radar imaging, radar resolution, synthetic aperture radar, transient response, ultra wideband radar, HPBW, IRF-NSAR-sinc function, IRF-USAR, NB SAR imaging, UWB SAR imaging, half power beamwidth, impulse response function, integration angle, intensity interval, narrow-band-narrow-beam SAR, range resolution equation, signal fractional bandwidth, spatial resolution equation, synthetic aperture radar azimuth, ultrawide-band-ultrawide-beam synthetic aperture radar, Approximation methods, Azimuth, Bandwidth, Equations, Niobium, Spatial resolution. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. A. Elsherbini and K. Sarabandi. Dual-Polarized Coupled Sectorial Loop Antennas for UWB Applications. IEEE_J_AWPL, 10:75-78, 2011. Keyword(s): antenna feeds, antenna radiation patterns, directive antennas, electromagnetic wave polarisation, loop antennas, radar antennas, ultra wideband antennas, ultra wideband communication, ultra wideband radar, communications applications, compact dual-polarized UWB antennas, coupled sectorial loop antenna concept, crossed dipole configuration, directional dual-polarized cavity-backed asymmetric CSLA, dual-polarized coupled sectorial loop antennas, integrated balun feed, planar CSLA, radar applications, Antenna measurements, Cavity resonators, Directive antennas, Feeds, Impedance matching, Ultra wideband antennas, Dual-polarized antenna, radar antenna, ultrawideband (UWB) antenna. [bibtex-entry]

  14. Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjogren, M.I. Pettersson, A. Gustavsson, and Lars M.H. Ulander. Detection of Moving Targets by Focusing in UWB SAR: Theory and Experimental Results. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 48(10):3799 -3815, October 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, UWB SAR, azimuth focusing, moving target detection, multichannel SAR data, reference system, reliable detection, signal-to-clutter noise ratio, single-channel SAR data, ultrawideband synthetic aperture radar, object detection, synthetic aperture radar, target tracking, ultra wideband radar;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjogren, Mats I. Pettersson, L. Hakansson, A. Gustavsson, and Lars M. H. Ulander. RFI Suppression in Ultrawideband SAR Using an Adaptive Line Enhancer. IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 7(4):694-698, October 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI, radio frequency interference, RFI mitigation, interference suppression, least mean squares methods, radiofrequency interference, synthetic aperture radar, ultra wideband radar, RFI suppression, UWB low-frequency SAR data, adaptive line enhancer, least mean square algorithm, radiofrequency interference, ultrawideband low-frequency synthetic aperture radar, Adaptive control, Interference suppression, Least mean square algorithms, Line enhancers, Programmable control, Proposals, Radio frequency, Radiofrequency interference, Synthetic aperture radar, Ultra wideband technology, Adaptive line enhancer (ALE), CARABAS-II, normalized least mean square (LMS) (NLMS), radio-frequency interference (RFI), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), ultrawideband (UWB). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  16. Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjogren, Mats I. Pettersson, and H. Hellsten. An Impulse Response Function for Evaluation of UWB SAR Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58(7):3927-3932, July 2010. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, impulse response function evaluation, Resolution, Range Resolution, Azimuth Resolution, IRF, UWB, object detection, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, transient response, ultra wideband radar, IRF-SAR, UWB SAR imaging, image quality measurement, impulse response function, narrowband-narrowbeam SAR systems, point target, spatial resolution estimation, two-dimensional sine function, Impulse response function in SAR imaging (IRF-SAR), Sinc, impulse response function in UWB SAR imaging (IRF-USAR), synthetic aperture radar (SAR), ultrawideband-ultrawidebeam (UWB). [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  17. T.K. Sjogren, V.T. Vu, and M.I. Pettersson. A comparative study of the polar version with the subimage version of Fast Factorized Backprojection in UWB SAR. International Radar Symposium, pp 1-4, May 2008. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Fast Back-Projection, Back-Projection, Fast Factorized Back-Projection, Comparison of Algorithms, interpolation, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, time-domain analysis, ultra wideband radar, UWB SAR, interpolation method, phase error, polar version, subimage version, time domain SAR algorithm, Factorized Back-Projection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  18. Richard Bamler and Michael Eineder. Accuracy of differential shift estimation by correlation and split-bandwidth interferometry for wideband and delta-k SAR systems. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2(2):151-155, April 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, split-bandwidth, geophysical signal processing, image registration, radar imaging, radar interference, remote sensing by radar, speckle, synthetic aperture radar, Cramer-Rao bound, Delta-k interferometry, clutter, coherent speckle correlation, differential delay estimation, differential shift estimation, digital elevation model, ground motion mapping, image coregistration, image correlation, incoherent speckle correlation, macro-scale shift estimation, phase cycle ambiguities, phase unwrapping, point scatterers, speckle tracking, split-bandwidth interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, Bandwidth, Clutter, Digital elevation models, Equations, Interferometry, Motion estimation, Radar scattering, Speckle, Synthetic aperture radar, Wideband, Cramer-Rao bound (CRB), Delta-k interferometry, differential delay estimation, image correlation, speckle tracking, split-bandwidth interferometry, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image coregistration. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  19. Mats I. Pettersson. Detection of Moving Targets in Wideband SAR. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 40(3):780-796, July 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Fast Back-Projection, Factorized Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Back-Projection, Moving Target Indication, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, UHF SAR, CARABAS, LORA, Airborne SAR, C-Band. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  20. D. Lloyd and I. D. Longstaff. Ultra-wideband multistatic SAR for the detection and location of landmines. IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation, 150:158-164(6), June 2003. Keyword(s): location, small mine-like objects, ground coordinates, target strengths, signal to clutter ratio, bistatic antenna configurations, ultra-wideband multistatic SAR, reference depression angle, detection, target-to-clutter ratios, thresholding, images, amplitude distribution, landmines;. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  21. Lars M. H. Ulander, Hans Hellsten, and Gunnar Stenström. Synthetic-Aperture Radar Processing Using Fast Factorized Back-Projection. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 39(3):760-776, July 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Fast Factorized Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Back-Projection, Fast Back-Projection, Factorized Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  22. Per-Olov Frölind and Lars M. H. Ulander. Digital Elevation Map Generation Using VHF-Band SAR Data in Forested Areas. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40(8):1769-1776, August 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, DEM Generation, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Backprojection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  23. Lance M. Kaplan, James H. McClellan, and Seung-Mok Oh. Prescreening During Image Formation for Ultrawideband Radar. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 38(1):74-88, January 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Prescreening, Quadtree Processing, Divide and Conquer Methods. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  24. X. Luo, Lars M. H. Ulander, J. Askne, G. Smith, and Per-Olov Frölind. RFI Suppression in Ultra-Wideband SAR Systems Using LMS Filters in Frequency Domain. Electronics Letters, 37(4):241-243, February 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  25. Mehrdad Soumekh. Wavefront-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing. EUSAR 2000 Special Issue, Frequenz, Zeitschrift für Telekommunikation (Journal of Telecommunications), 55:99-113, March 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Back-Projection, Moving Target Indication, Range Stacking Algorithm, Wavefront Reconstruction, Range Migration Algorithm, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k, Comparison of Algorithms, Wideband SAR, Squinted SAR, FOPEN, Motion Compensation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  26. Mehrdad Soumekh, David A. Nobles, Michael C. Wicks, and Gerard J. Genello. Signal Processing of Wide Bandwidth and Wide Beamwidth P-3 SAR data. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 37(4):1122-1141, October 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, P-Band, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Back-Projection, RFI Suppression. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  27. Richard Rau and James H. McClellan. Analytic Models and Postprocessing Techniques for UWB SAR. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(4):1058-1074, October 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, TDBP, Time-Domain Back-Projection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  28. Xiaotao Huang and Diannong Liang. Gradual RELAX Algorithm for RFI Suppression in UWB-SAR. Electronics Letters, 35(22):1916-1917, October 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Gradual RELAX Algorithm. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  29. Lars M. H. Ulander and Per-Olov Frölind. Ultra-Wideband SAR Interferometry. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 36(5):1540-1550, September 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, DEM Generation, Fourier-Hankel Inversion, Hankel Transform, Abel Transform, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  30. T. Miller, L. Potter, and John W. McCorkle. RFI suppression for ultra wideband radar. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 33(4):1142-1156, 1997. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, interference suppression, least squares approximations, radar imaging, radar interference, radiofrequency interference, synthetic aperture radar, Army Research Laboratory, RFI Suppression, SAR imagery, UWB rail SAR, bias, estimate-and-subtract algorithm, estimated targets, foliage-penetrating imaging, ground-penetrating imaging, radio frequency interference, real-time digital suppression, sidelobe levels, signal model, target energy loss, ultra wideband radar, ultrawideband synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  31. M. Soumekh. Reconnaissance with slant plane circular SAR imaging. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 5(8):1252-1265, 1996. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Non-Linear Flight Path, Fourier analysis, Fourier transforms, Green's function methods, image reconstruction, image resolution, inverse problems, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, Green's function, SAR data inversion, SAR system, aspect angle, circular flight path, full rotation, ground penetrating UHF radar signature, imaging system, partial segment, reconnaissance, reconstruction algorithm, simulated target, slant plane circular SAR imaging, slant plane data, slant plane linear SAR, target scene, three-dimensional imaging, ultrawideband foliage penetrating radar signature. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  32. M. Soumekh. Reconnaissance with ultra wideband UHF synthetic aperture radar. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 12(4):21-40, July 1995. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

Conference articles

  1. Marcel Stefko, Othmar Frey, Charles Werner, and Irena Hajnsek. KAPRI: a Bistatic Full-Polarimetric Interferometric Real-Aperture Radar System for Monitoring of Natural Environments. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1950-1953, 2021. IEEE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, WBSCAT, Wide-band Scatterometer, ESA, European Space Agency, Snow, ESA Snowlab, Wideband Scatterometer, WBScat, microwave scatterometer, aperture synthesis, time series, polarimetry, tomography, SAR tomography. [bibtex-entry]

  2. Charles Werner, Othmar Frey, Reza Naderpour, Andreas Wiesmann, Martin Süss, and Urs Wegmuller. Aperture Synthesis and Calibration of the WBSCAT Ground-Based Scatterometer. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1947-1950, 2021. IEEE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, WBSCAT, Wide-band Scatterometer, ESA, European Space Agency, Snow, ESA Snowlab, Wideband Scatterometer, WBScat, microwave scatterometer, aperture synthesis, time series, polarimetry, tomography, SAR tomography. [bibtex-entry]

  3. Charles L. Werner, Martin Suess, Othmar Frey, and Andreas Wiesmann. The ESA Wideband Microwave Scatterometer (WBSCAT): Design and Implementation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 8339-8342, 2019. Keyword(s): ESA Snowlab, SnowScat, Wideband Scatterometer, WBScat, snow, microwave scatterometer, aperture synthesis, time series, polarimetry, tomography, SAR tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  4. Andreas Wiesmann, Rafael Caduff, Charles L. Werner, Othmar Frey, Martin Schneebeli, Henning Löwe, Matthias Jaggi, Mike Schwank, Reza Naderpour, and Thorsten Fehr. ESA Snowlab Project: 4 Years of Wide Band Scatterometer Measurements of Seasonal Snow. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 5745-5748, 2019. Keyword(s): ESA Snowlab, SnowScat, Wideband Scatterometer, WBScat, snow, microwave scatterometer, aperture synthesis, time series, polarimetry, tomography, SAR tomography. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  5. M. T. Ghasr, K. P. Ying, and R. Zoughi. Wideband millimeter wave interferometer for high-resolution 3D SAR imaging. In 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) Proceedings, pages 925-929, May 2015. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, W-Band, holographic interferometry, image resolution, millimetre wave imaging, millimetre wave radar, radar imaging, radar interferometry, radar resolution, reflectometers, synthetic aperture radar, high-resolution 3D SAR imaging, nondestructive testing, phase referencing, portable millimeter wave imaging system, synthetic aperture radar image resolution, three-dimensional millimeter wave holographic image production, wideband millimeter wave interferometer, Apertures, Imaging, Millimeter wave technology, Ports (Computers), Rubber, Three-dimensional displays, Wideband, high-resolution, holographical images, millimeter wave imaging, synthetic aperture radar, wideband interferometer. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  6. R. Brcic, A. Parizzi, M. Eineder, R. Bamler, and F. Meyer. Ionospheric effects in SAR interferometry: An analysis and comparison of methods for their estimation. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 1497-1500, July 2011. Keyword(s): ionospheric electromagnetic wave propagation, ionospheric techniques, radar interferometry, synthetic aperture radar, C-band system, L-band ALOS-PALSAR acquisitions, L-band system, P-band system, SAR signal, X-band frequencies, dispersive effects, ionospheric compensation, ionospheric effects, phase error, repeat-pass SAR interferometry, spaceborne SAR systems, topographic retrieval, wideband interferometry, Azimuth, Bandwidth, Delay, Estimation, Interferometry, Ionosphere, Synthetic aperture radar, delta-k, ionosphere, split-spectrum. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  7. Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjogren, and Mats I. Pettersson. Fast backprojection algorithm for UWB bistatic SAR. In Proc. IEEE Radar Conf., pages 431-434, May 2011. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Fast Factorized Back-Projection, FFBP, Back-Projection, UWB SAR, bistatic SAR, Motion Compensation, MoComp, UWB bistatic SAR, beamforming, bistatic fast backprojection algorithm, ground image plane, motion compensation, subaperture basis, subimage basis, time-domain characteristics, ultrawideband ultrawidebeam bistatic synthetic aperture radar, array signal processing, motion compensation, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, time-domain analysis, ultra wideband radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  8. R. Brcic, A. Parizzi, M. Eineder, R. Bamler, and F. Meyer. Estimation and compensation of ionospheric delay for SAR interferometry. In Proc. IEEE Int. Geosci. Remote Sens. Symp., pages 2908-2911, July 2010. Keyword(s): compensation, data acquisition, ionospheric electromagnetic wave propagation, radar interferometry, radiowave propagation, remote sensing by radar, spaceborne radar, synthetic aperture radar, L-band ALOS-PALSAR acquisition, L-band system, SAR interferometry, SAR signal propagation, X-band frequency, dispersive effect, ionospheric delay compensation, ionospheric delay estimation, phase error, spaceborne SAR system, synthetic aperture rada, Azimuth, Bandwidth, Delay, Estimation, Frequency estimation, Ionosphere, L-band, delta-k, ionosphere, split-spectrum, wideband interferometry. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  9. An Daoxiang, Huang Xiaotao, and Wang Liang. Contrast Optimized PGA Algorithm for P-band UWB SAR. In Radar, 2006. CIE '06. International Conference on, pages 1-4, Oct. 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Autofocus, Phase Gradient Autofocus, Contrast Optimization. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  10. Per-Olov Frölind and Lars M. H. Ulander. Evaluation of angular interpolation kernels in fast back-projection SAR processing. In IEE Proceedings -- Radar, Sonar and Navigation, volume 153, pages 243-249, June 2006. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Back-Projection, Fast Factorized Back-Projection, Comparison of Algorithms, interpolation, interpolation kernels, angular interpolation kernels, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, ultra wideband radar, UWB SAR, interpolation method, phase error, polar version, subimage version, time domain SAR algorithm, Factorized Backprojection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  11. G. Shippey, S. Banks, and J. Pihl. SAS image reconstruction using Fast Polar Back Projection: comparisons with Fast Factored Back Projection and Fourier-domain imaging. In Oceans 2005 - Europe, volume 1, pages 96-101, June 2005. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Fast-Factorized Back-Projection, FFBP, Fast Polar Back-Projection, FPBP, fast Fourier transforms, image reconstruction, radar imaging, sonar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, synthetic aperture sonar FFBP, Fast Factored Back Projection, Fast Polar Back Projection, Fourier-domain imaging, SAS image reconstruction, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Synthetic Aperture Sonar, autopositioning purposes, azimuth sidelobe level, computation time reduction, intermediate physical aperture images, multielement sonar arrays, nonlinear platform trajectories, preset approximation error, review, standard FFT-based method, time-domain methods, ultra-wideband airborne SAR, wide bandwidths, wide swaths. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  12. David Kettler, Doug Gray, and Nick Redding. The Point Spread Function for UWB SAR Imaging using Inversion of the Circular Radon Transform. In Proc. of EUSAR 2004 - 5th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Ulm, Germany, pages 175-178, May 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Fourier-Hankel Inversion, Hankel Transform, Abel Transform, Circular Radon Transform, CRT, Radon Transform, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  13. Lam H. Nguyen, Marc Ressler, and Mehrdad Soumekh. Signal Processing and Image Formation Using Low-Frequency Ultra-Wideband Radar Data. In Russell S. Harmon, J. Thomas Broach, and John H. Holloway(Jr.), editors, Proceedings of SPIE: Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Minelike Targets IX, volume SPIE 5415, pages 1053-1064, 2004. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Back-Projection, Wavefront Reconstruction, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k, Image Formation, RFI Suppression, Digital Spotlighting. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  14. Lam H. Nguyen, Tuan Ton, David Wong, and Mehrdad Soumekh. Adaptive coherent suppression of multiple wide-bandwidth RFI sources in SAR. In Edmund G. Zelnio and Frederick D. Garber, editors, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery XI, volume 5427, pages 1-16, 2004. SPIE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Wide-Bandwidth RFI, Boom-SAR, Self-Induced Resonance Suppression, SIR Suppression. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  15. W. - M. Boerner. Recent Advances in Extra-Wide-Band Polarimetry, Interferometry and Polarimetric Interferometry in Synthetic Aperture Remote Sensing and its Applications. In IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation, volume 150, pages 113-124, June 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Interferometry, Pol-InSAR, RFI Suppression, Extra-WideBand SAR, WideBand SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  16. Joachim H. G. Ender. SAR/MTI with Multi-Subaperture Phased Arrays. In Proceedings of the Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Remote Sensing TIWRS, pages 313-331, September 2003. Keyword(s): SAR, Multi-Channel SAR, MTI, AER-II, PAMIR, Subaperture Processing, Phased Array Radar, SAR Processing, Multi-Channel SAR, MTI, AER-II, PAMIR, Subaperture Processing, Phased Array Radar, Tomography, SAR Tomography. [Abstract] [Comments] [bibtex-entry]

  17. Joachim H.G. Ender and Andreas R. Brenner. PAMIR - a wideband phased array SAR/MTI system. In IEE Proceedings - Radar, Sonar and Navigation, number 3, pages 165-172, June 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PAMIR, MTI, GMTI, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Back-Projection, Spotlight SAR, FGAN, X-Band, InSAR 1.8 GHz, ISAR, IfSAR, Phased Array Multifunctional Imaging Radar, X-band radar, airborne imaging radar, electronically steerable phased array, ground moving objects, ground moving target indication, ground-moving target indication, inverse SAR, long-range imaging capabilities, multichannel capability, operational modes, receive channels, reconfigurable phased array antenna, reconnaissance tasks, resolution, signal bandwidth, single-pass interferometric SAR, space-time adaptive processing, spaceborne imaging radar, subapertures, surveillance, synthetic aperture radar, wideband phased array SAR/MTI system, wideband system design. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  18. A. Reigber, A. Potsis, E. Alivizatos, N. Uzunoglu, and A. Moreira. Wavenumber domain SAR focusing with integrated motion compensation. In Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003. IGARSS '03. Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International, volume 3, pages 1465-1467, 2003. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, omega-k, Range Migration Algorithm, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, Extended omega-k, Extended Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, Motion Compensation, Squinted SAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  19. Andreas R. Brenner. DISTRIBUTED SAR PROCESSING IN THE TIME DOMAIN. In Proc. of EUSAR 2002 - 4th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, PAMIR, Distributed Processing, Parallel Processing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  20. Andreas R. Brenner and Joachim H. G. Ender. First Experimental Results Achieved With The New Very Wideband SAR System PAMIR. In Proc. of EUSAR 2002 - 4rd European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 81-86, 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Back-Projection, PAMIR, Phased Array Multifunctional Imaging Radar, AER-II, X-Band, High Resolution, Wideband SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  21. Joachim H.G. Ender and Andreas R. Brenner. PAMIR - A Wideband Phased Array SAR/MTI System. In Proc. of EUSAR 2002 - 4th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 157-162, 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, PAMIR, MTI, GMTI, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Back-Projection, Spotlight SAR, FGAN, X-Band, InSAR 1.8 GHz, ISAR, IfSAR, Phased Array Multifunctional Imaging Radar, X-band radar, airborne imaging radar, electronically steerable phased array, ground moving objects, ground moving target indication, ground-moving target indication, inverse SAR, long-range imaging capabilities, multichannel capability, operational modes, receive channels, reconfigurable phased array antenna, reconnaissance tasks, resolution, signal bandwidth, single-pass interferometric SAR, space-time adaptive processing, spaceborne imaging radar, subapertures, surveillance, synthetic aperture radar, wideband phased array SAR/MTI system, wideband system design. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  22. Mats I. Pettersson. Detection of Moving Target in Wideband SAR Using Fast Time Backprojection Processing. In Proc. of EUSAR 2002 - 4th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, volume 1, pages 217-220, 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Fast Back-Projection, TDBP, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Moving Target Indication, Ultra-Wideband SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  23. Athanasios Potsis, Andreas Reigber, Emmanouil Alivizatos, Alberto Moreira, and Nikolaos K. Uzunoglou. Comparison of Chirp Scaling and Wavenumber Domain Algorithms for Airborne Low-Frequency SAR. In Francesco Posa, editor, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques V, volume 4883, pages 25-36, March 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Chirp Scaling Algorithm, Extended Chirp Scaling Algorithm, omega-k, Range Migration Algorithm, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, Comparison of Algorithms, P-Band, Wideband SAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  24. M. Weiss and P. Berens. Motion compensation of wideband synthetic aperture radar with a new transponder technique. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002. IGARSS '02., volume 6, pages 3649-3651, June 2002. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Motion Compensation, calibration, Autofocus, phased array radar, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar, transponder, PAMIR, SAR, active transponders, coherent integration, echoes, large synthetic aperture, phased array multifunctional imaging radar, radar pulses, transponder technique, wideband synthetic aperture radar. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  25. Arnold Barmettler, Erich Meier, and Daniel Nüesch. Development of an Ultra-Wideband SAR Processor. In CEOS SAR Workshop 2001, April 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  26. Matthew C. Cobb and James H. McClellan. Omega-k Quadtree UWB SAR Focusing. In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 311-314, May 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Wavefront Reconstruction, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k Quadtree Processing, omega-k, Quadtree Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Ghost Target Elimination, FOPEN. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  27. Xiaotao Huang, Zhimin Zhou, and Diannong Liang. Effects of RFI on UWB-SAR Using LFM Waveforms. In CIE International Conference on Radar, 2001, pages 631-633, October 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  28. Roger R.-Y. Lee, James S. Verdi, and Mehrdad Soumekh. Enhancements of NP-3 UHF Image Quality Using Digital Spotlighting Technique. In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 1-6, May 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Wavefront Reconstruction, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k, RFI Suppression, Subaperture Processing, Digital Spotlighting, Slow-Time Upsampling, Alias-free Processing, Quadband SAR, P-Band, X-Band, L-Band, C-Band, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  29. Mats I. Pettersson. Moving Target Detection in Wide Band SAR. In CIE International Conference on Radar, 2001, pages 614-618, October 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Fast Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Moving Target Indication, Ultra-Wideband SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  30. Lars M. H. Ulander, Per-Olov Frölind, A. Gustavsson, H. Hellsten, T. Jonsson, B. Larsson, and G. Stenstrom. Performance of the CARABAS-II VHF-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar. In IGARSS '01, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 1, pages 129 - 131, Jul. 2001. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  31. Lance M. Kaplan, Seung-Mok Oh, Matthew C. Cobb, and James H. McClellan. Error Analysis for Quadtree Image Formation. In International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2000, volume 1, pages 717-720, September 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Quadtree Processing, Error Analysis, Ultra-Wideband SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  32. Lance M. Kaplan, Seung-Mok Oh, and James H. McClellan. Detection of Broadside Targets During Image Formation Using a Quadtree Approach. In The Record of the 2000 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 104-109, May 2000. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Quadtree Processing, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Boom-SAR, Multiscale Detection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  33. Gerard J. Genello(Jr.), Michael C. Wicks, and Mehrdad Soumekh. Alias-free Processing of P-3 Data. In Edmund G. Zelnio, editor, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery VI, volume SPIE 3721, pages 189-200, 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Wavefront Reconstruction, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k, RFI Suppression, Digital Spotlighting, Slow-Time Upsampling, Alias-free Processing, P-Band, Ultra-Wideband SAR, FOPEN, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  34. Richard Rau and James H. McClellan. Data Efficient Implementation of UWBWA SAR Algorithms. In ICASSP '99, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, volume 6, pages 3525-3528, 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Fan Filter, Quincunx Grid, TDBP, Time-Domain Back-Projection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  35. Lars M. H. Ulander and Per-Olov Frölind. Precision Processing of CARABAS HF/VHF-Band SAR Data. In IGARSS '99, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 1, pages 47-49, June 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Ultra-Wideband SAR, VHF SAR, CARABAS, Airborne SAR, Motion Compensation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  36. Ali F. Yegulalp. Fast Backprojection Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar. In The Record of the 1999 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 60-65, 1999. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Convolution Back-Projection, FOPEN, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Image Formation, Focusing, Motion Compensation, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  37. Bruno Juhel, Yannick Chevalier, Marc Le Goff, Emmanuel Legros, and Georges Vezzosi. Experimental Ultra Wide Band SAR Images of Canonical Targets. In IGARSS '98, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 2, pages 1153-1155, 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  38. Bruno Juhel, Georges Vezzosi, and Marc Le Goff. Radio Frequency Interferences Suppression for Noisy Ultra Wide Band SAR Measurements. In Ultra-Wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 4, 1998, pages 387-393, June 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, RFI Suppression. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  39. Stefan Nilsson and Lars-Erik Andersson. Application of Fast Backprojection Techniques for some Inverse Problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar. In Edmund G. Zelnio, editor, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery V, volume SPIE 3370, pages 62-72, 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Fast Back-Projection, Quadtree Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Circular Averages, Wideband SAR, Focusing, Motion Compensation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  40. Richard Rau and James H. McClellan. A Directional Image Decomposition for Ultra-Wideband SAR. In ICASSP '98, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, volume 5, pages 2877-2880, May 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Directional Filterbanks, TDBP, Time-Domain Back-Projection. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  41. Olle Seger, Magnus Herberthson, and Hans Hellsten. Real time SAR processing of low frequency ultra wide band radar data. In Proc. of EUSAR '98 - European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, pages 489-492, May 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Local Back-Projection, Real Time Operation, Ultra-Wideband SAR, FOPEN, Image processing, Ground Penetrating Radar, Low-Frequency SAR, Image Reconstruction, Radar Resolution, Parallel Processing. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  42. Mehrdad Soumekh. Range Stacking: An Interpolation-free SAR Reconstruction Algorithm. In Edmund G. Zelnio, editor, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery V, volume SPIE 3370, pages 13-24, 1998. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Range Stacking Algorithm, Wavefront Reconstruction, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k, Back-Projection, Time-Domain Back-Projection, TDBP, Wideband SAR, Squinted SAR, FOPEN, Motion Compensation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  43. John W. McCorkle and Martin Rofheart. Order N^2 log(N) Backprojector Algorithm for Focusing Wide-Angle Wide-Bandwidth Arbitrary-Motion Synthetic Aperture Radar. In Gerald S. Ustach, editor, Radar Sensor Technology, volume SPIE 2747, pages 25-36, 1996. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Back-Projection, Fast Back-Projection, Quadtree Processing, Time-Domain Back-Projection, Wideband SAR, Focusing, Motion Compensation. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  44. Kenneth Abend and John W. McCorkle. Radio and TV interference extraction for ultrawideband radar. In Dominick A. Giglio, editor, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery II, Dominick A. Giglio; Ed., volume 2487, pages 119-129, 1995. SPIE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  45. Ron S. Goodman, Sreenidhi Tummala, and Walter G. Carrara. Issues in Ultra-Wideband, Widebeam SAR Image Formation. In The Record of the 1995 IEEE Radar Conference, pages 479-485, May 1995. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, Range Migration Algorithm, Wavefront Reconstruction, Wavenumber Domain Algorithm, omega-k, RFI Suppression, Motion Compensation, Autofocus Techniques, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Sidelobe Control, P-Band, FOPEN, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]

  46. Matthew Braunstein, James M. Ralston, and David A. Sparrow. Signal processing approaches to radio frequency interference (RFI) suppression. In Dominick A. Giglio, editor, Algorithms for Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, volume 2230, pages 190-208, 1994. SPIE. Keyword(s): SAR Processing, RFI Suppression, Ultra-Wideband SAR, Airborne SAR. [Abstract] [bibtex-entry]



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Last modified: Fri Feb 24 14:25:35 2023
Author: Othmar Frey, Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - ETH Zurich .

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